
Byron to Crescent Head

We left Byron on Monday after getting all our car stuff we went to Ballina, failed at getting the car registered, and so we stayed at a holiday park (expensive caravan park) and went back to the RTA the next day.

After failing to get rego again because the system was down, we decided to keep moving south. We stopped at Corindi Beach to pick up the stuff that we had left there, have a quick lunch at The Shop, then hit the road again. After our expensive experience at the caravan park in Ballina, we decided we needed to find a cheaper option for camping, especially since we weren’t even setting up a tent. Matt found this book referenced online called Camps Australia Wide, but its only sold in a few random shops (and Borders Bookstores), one place being the News Agency in Woolgoolga! The News Agency is a government shop that sells newspapers, cards, tobacco products, and often lottery tickets. We picked up our new bible at the store in Woolgoolga, and tried to find a place nearby, as it was already getting late. We ended up in this little park in Thora that had a couple of other travelers and was definitely a good way to start our free camping adventures.

Wednesday morning, we stopped at McDonalds to get some internet (a common habit on our travels because of its reliability) and found out that there was an RTA office only 15 minutes from where we were. There we were finally able to register the car! After that great success we went to Crescent Head for some great swimming in the river and the ocean. We checked out the headland with a beautiful view and a stunning location for a golf course.


  1. yay, buddy!! i want to mail you fun things but you move too much. they'll have to wait until your eventual return...

  2. aw, I want fun things! I'll let you know when I have a semi-permanent address.
