
still in Litchfield

Woke up and went for a dip at the pool below Wangi Falls. The water was not nearly as clear as the pools yesterday and the bottom was muddy in places, making it look like prime crocodile territory. Though it is highly unlikely there were actually saltwater crocs (the dangerous ones) there during the dry season, it is quite probable freshwater ones were swimming around us. The mangroves surrounding the pool looked like particularly nice habitat.

On our way out of the park we stopped to check out the magnetic termite mounds. These fin-like structures are built by the termites along a north-south axis in order to use the sun's energy to most effectively heat and cool them. They build them above ground instead of living underground because it floods during the wet season. Some of the normal anthills are enormous, too!

From Litchfield we drove down to Katherine, famous for its Gorge of the same name. For lack of a better option, we decided to camp at the resort just below the first of thirteen gorges. We'll see how much we can see tomorrow!

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