Sorry for the lack of updates on actual travel, we have been more obsessed with reporting on goon then anything else. We took a trip to
Nimbin a few days ago. As I remembered from last time, 2 hours is more then enough time to venture around this one road town. Nimbin is the epicenter for cannabis in Australia, it is where the Australia's version of Woodstock happened in '74. Now it is a mere shadow of what it once was, in truth, kind of depressing. Scores of tourists are
bused in every day for one purpose, to get high. People come to buy their pot, look at some weird shit--and there is a lot of weird shit in this town--and leave. You can buy pot cookies from vendors on the street. If you venture into the alleys you can buy cannabis from dealers who seem very worried about police but are openly pulling out buds and stuffing them into ziplock baggies. A very strange experience indeed. For us, the trip was pretty non eventful until digestion had taken place an hour or so later when we were safely back at camp. I was almost unable to get myself up to clean the hostel kitchen, so the day was both delightful and trying.
After much procrastination, we took a sunset trip to the Byron Bay lighthouse today. After a long, sweaty walk with an Eagle Boys pizza in tow, we made it. After celebrating with said pizza we explored the most easterly point of Australia, finding a nice cozy spot on some grass near the ocean. The sunset was pretty spectacular:
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